Anthony Weiner

After Congressman Anthony Weiner's twitter feed was hacked, prompting a lewd photo of someone's bulging underpantsto be sent to Gennette Nicole Cordova of Seattle, Weiner has hired a lawyer.
The Congressman said that the photo was a prank and nothing more, and that police action wasn't necessary. "[The incident] was a prank," he told theNew York Post. "It was intended to distract. I'm not going to let it do it."
On Sunday Cordova, a 21-year-old college student, wrote a post in the Daily News about the incident. She says that the people who initially harassed her about the photo on Twitter had done so before, months back, when the Congressman first started 'following' her.
Annoyed, I responded with something along the lines of "are you f***ing kidding me?" and "I've never seen this. You people are sick." I blocked their accounts, made my page private, and let the matter drop, expecting them to eventually do the same. broke the story, but according to Gawker the man credited with first reporting the picture was Dan Wolfe, a man who describes himself on his twitter feed as a "Conservative Reagan Republican" and whose avatar is of Reagan himself. Wolfe denies that he hacked or invented the scandal, saying on twitter that "I do not work for Breitbart. I did not set up Weiner. I did not lie or hack anything it was real." But going down his feed Wolfe becomes increasingly annoyed at the accusations. "Yeah, at this point. I don't care. Either arrest me, press charges, etc. or shut up. If there is a crime why no charges?"
It's still not clear how or why Cordova was targeted. Congressman Weiner for his part is trying to keep things light twitter, amidst his tweets about hockey, TiVo and digs at his fellow representatives, he writes that this scandal will add fodder to an easy target -- his name. "More Weiner Jokes for all my guests! #Hacked!"