The launch site in South Dakota of a number of notable balloon flights won't become a National Historic Landmark any time soon.
The Rapid City Journal reports that the Landmarks Committee of the National Park System Advisory Board has tabled the Stratobowl's landmark nomination indefinitely.
The Stratobowl is surrounded on most sides by 400-foot cliffs that block crosswinds. It served as the launch site for pioneering balloon launches dating back to the 1930s that helped pave the way for the U.S. space program.
National Park Service officials wanted it designated as a landmark, but some property owners in the valley southwest of Rapid City objected in part because they worried about an influx of tourists.
The Rapid City Journal reports that the Landmarks Committee of the National Park System Advisory Board has tabled the Stratobowl's landmark nomination indefinitely.
The Stratobowl is surrounded on most sides by 400-foot cliffs that block crosswinds. It served as the launch site for pioneering balloon launches dating back to the 1930s that helped pave the way for the U.S. space program.
National Park Service officials wanted it designated as a landmark, but some property owners in the valley southwest of Rapid City objected in part because they worried about an influx of tourists.