So who are writers?

Well that’s a million dollar question, but I won’t provide the answer. Why should I? I don’t have to. Yeah but I will quote this:

“I will reduce your standards to absurdity, not by writing them down, though I could do that so well – in fact, have done it – but by actually living them down & dying them down.”

I’ve seen that famous writers are being judged by what they did in their private lives. What has anyone’s private doings got to do with his/her writings? Oscar Wilde was gay. I don’t think it’s a good enough reason to judge his writings or to judge him as a person. That was something personal.

D.H. Lawrence ran away with somebody’s wife – a woman who had 2 children but she deserted them. I’ve met students of Literature who are in a state of shock for what he did. Shakespeare wrote those sonnets for a man. I don’t know what’s the big deal about it. I don’t know what’s the big deal about anything that I have mentioned so far. And yes, I can hold any kind of views.

Writers are people who put down what they think in words. A thing that cannot be done by everyone, cause you might insult the very definition of writing or let’s see thinking, so to speak. Once you start thinking, you can’t stop it. However, there are people who can’t think as they want others to do the thinking part for them. Good for them!

Anyone who writes also knows that the opinions of people don’t matter much. Praise & flattery too are weapons & any intelligent writer would know that. Constructive criticism may help, but then how many are capable of doing that. I don’t expect people to understand each & everything I write. I don’t even want them to agree as I can take care of my opinions all by myself.

Oscar Wilde once said:

“Praise makes me humble, but when I am abused I know I have touched the stars.”

Writers are something like that. Lately I got a couple of messages on my blog network. I’d like to share one with you. This was by Mr. Farhan something:

"Dear Madam,You have taken it in wrong way, I intended to explaining you that this is just the worst part of a society.The problem of you people is that you don't understand what is the cause of this and just say sorry it is very bad, I mean i don’t get what you want to say in your blog, Do you want to feel us sorry then ok "OHHHHHHHH sorry that is very badit should not be there".I will say that religion is the only solution for these kinds of problems.The highest rate of rapes is in USA.According to a FBI report, in the year 1990, every day on an average 1756 cases of rape were committed in U.S.A alone. Later another report said that on an average everyday 1900 cases of rapes are committed in USA. The year was not mentioned. May be it was 1992 or 1993.In most cases either the both rapist and victim are drunk or the rapist is drunk.Drinking, Boy friend gird friend relationships, disbelief in religion are the causes of these kinds of problems.
ALHAMDOLLAH in our society these things are very rare.You people live in AC rooms, Drive in AC cars, Study in expensive school no matter what the problems our society have,You peoples are impressed from western cultures and do not like to talk a kind word with the poor society they have around butin foreign they are ready to work in Burger shops.I ought to advice you that write some blog on our problems, 250000 families have been ruined by America in our western areas, write some thing about them, do not eat pizza one day and give it to charity, If you really want to do some thing for peoplesor just carry on your artificial feelings if you want to impress burger peoples"

I hope you guys have read it by now. I’m sorry that I made my readers go through this message. 1st of all, I don’t want people to agree with me, especially those who don’t understand the language. Urdu newspapers also uncover horrific stories of rape & incest on a daily basis, but one must need to read them to know what’s happening. Providing statistics of what happened in 1990 or 1992 or 1993 shows that the person doesn’t know the meaning of research. And we know how correct are statistics! These are people who become numbers.

I have been accused of not understanding. I don’t want to understand such people & their biased & set views. We don’t even want insensitive folks to be sorry about a problem much above them. What would be the use? Can we make all those victims better by such kind of utterances? No. So we don’t need it.

People can stick to their views that religion is the only solution. We want results, not assertions. The topic was on incest, not on date rape. I don’t why this person thought he could confuse us by providing details about date rapes & that too a century old. What happened in 90s is the thing of the past. What is happening in 2009 is far more important.

This person knows that incest is a rare thing in our society. Maybe he lives in every house in Pakistan. He knows what goes inside everywhere. Even superheroes can’t do that, but he! He also knows how we live. God knows how far closed minds would go on presuming. The person surely seems to be suffering from some kind of inferiority complex. Again he thinks we are impressed by the Western culture. It’s people like us who don’t take racist fart. It’s people like us who can tell them where they are wrong & they listen to us. It’s people like us who are going to change the fucked up image of Muslims. It’s certainly not people like you who presume everything without knowing or understanding anything at all.

It seems this person also knows how we talk to our servants, since he lives in every house. If you meet any of my servants or the menial stuff that worked in the offices where I worked…they would tell you what kind of a person I am. In fact, they won’t even have problem in beating the shit out of this person for obvious reason. They care about me, cause I care about them. So don’t presume & talk shit. In fact, I salute these servants, peons, maids, gardeners, cause not only they clean up the mess, they are also very sensible people. Don’t you dare drag in poor people, cause I know them more than you do.

I don’t take advice from anyone. So keep your fucking advice to yourself. Alright. And you also don’t know the difference between artificial or genuine feelings. So far as burgers and wannabes are concerned, you can lick their shoes. I don’t do any such thing. I don’t have to, cause I don’t need such people on my side.

I don’t eat pizzas everyday & those who do…God is the one who has given them the money to have anything they want. What they do with it, is their business.

‘And those who cry lies to Our signs are deaf & dumb, dwelling in the shadows. Whomsoever God will, He leads astray, & whomsoever He will, he sets him on a straight path.’

The Holy Quran

“The judgment is God’s alone. He relates the truth, and he is the Best of deciders.”

The Holy Quran

God can take care of everything. People like you who stay in a state of denial shouldn’t worry. Which reminds me of someone else who kept on saying that I must read the Quran. I think after reading my write-up on Black magic, it was clear to him as to who reads the Quran & who goes around only asking people to read it, but doesn’t have time to go through the translation & the interpretation himself.

Anyhow, one must judge the work, not the writer. I have even reported to Facebook about people making personal comments on the blog network.

Nadira Rahman