World’s Fattest Woman

Donna Simpson is one woman who is quite proud about her fatness. She is 42 year old & weighs 273 kg & she has vowed to touch the 450 kg mark within two years. She wants to become the world’s fattest woman. Although she has already made it to the Guinness World Record. In 2007 while giving birth, she grabbed the title of ‘World’s fattest mother.’

She uses her mobility scooter when she goes for shopping. Her favourite food is sushi & she can have 70 big pieces of sushi in just one go. She also loves cakes & all kinds of desserts, besides junk food.

Donna Simpson also said that she’d love to be 1000 pounds but it might be hard though. According to her, she needs to eat up to 12, 000 calories a day to achieve her goal.

Her boyfriend weighs only 68 kg & he is very supportive. She said, ‘I think he’d like it if I was bigger. He’s a real belly man, & he completely supports me.’

I’m sure he must be very supportive & sweet. In fact I never thought we could have that sort of guy on this planet. While searching for Donna’s photos, I came across some in which she was wearing almost nothing. I really don’t know what else to say, but it wasn’t a nice experience.