Heidi Montag Crystal Harris Parties: You may look at Heidi Montag’s cartoonishly sexualized body and dismiss it is as the mere product of a frightening number of plastic surgeries. You could not be more wrong. Montag acts hard to see the way she does, harder than mayhap anyone who is ever lived. She told Us Weekly magazine publisher that she is spent the end two months working out fourteen hours day. “I’ve been working out from, like, 5 a.m. to 7 p.m. for 2 months now,” she told the magazine. “I have been working out actually hard because I had this pool party and I was like, I've to be in shape. You might ask, why does Montag have to act harder than Lance Armstrong, who used to train 10 hours a day? Or harder than gold-medalist swimmer Dara Torres, who calls it a day later only 6 hours of exercise? Answer: Because they were only preparing for the Tour de France and the Olympics, respectively. Montag had a pool party to get ready for! Also working versus her, Montag had to deal with other issues that complicated her fitness routine: “My breasts, because they are so big, actually needed some time [to recover],” she explained. “So I am just beginning to act out again later my surgery. Sometimes I get shooting pains, but I hear that’s normal. Sorry, but there is nothing normal about any of this. For folks who can not conceive just how preposterous fourteen hours of exercise is, it’s the equivalent of 350 miles on Armstrong’s bike, approximately 375 laps in Torres’ pool, or more than twenty consecutive start-to-finish playings of Montag’s 2010 album, Superficial. No one could possibly endure such physical punishment for such an extended period of time.Heidi Montag Crystal Harris Parties