James Harrison Apology

Pittsburgh linebacker James Harrison apologized Thursday for using an anti-gay insult to refer to NFL commissioner Roger Goodell said in an interview to the "Journal of Men," and asserts that his statements critical of his teammates were taken out context. Harrison issued a statement on her Twitter account, with the message: "This statement will be my only response to the article in the Journal of Men. Article The Steelers' star quarterbacks Ben Roethlisberger in Pittsburgh and critical running back Rashard Mendenhall to play their Super Bowl loss to Green Bay last season. Harrison Hall Mende called a "fumble machine" for its sales in the fourth quarter and said Roethlisberger is necessary to "stop acting like Peyton Manning. I commented on my teammates when I talked about the emotional loss of the Super Bowl, but the handful of words that were used and heavily mentioned yesterday was taken out of a long conversation and the context was lost, "Harrison said in his statement. Of course I would never say that it was all Ben's fault or Rashard we lost the Super Bowl. It would be ridiculous. Ben and Rashard are good players and good teammates. Harshest words of Harrison in the article were made in Goodell, which he called a "crook" and a "devil." He also said in the article by Goodell, "I hate him and will never respect it. Harrison did not mention the violations, but did not say anti-gay insults addressed to the Commissioner "should not be offensive in any way against gay people. It 'was an irresponsible use of slang and I apologize to all those who were offended by a comment. Homophobic bigotry is not, and I do not ever advocate intolerance of gays. Harrison was one of the strongest critics of the crackdown last season in the NFL illegal hits. He was also a heavy fine by the commissioner for illegal hunting. 2008 AP Defensive Player of the Year was docked $ 100,000 for illegal moves last season. In his statement Thursday night, again Harrison said that more sanctions and fines for illegal logging will not make the game safer.